Who Is Cherie Kurarangi Kara Sweeney?

Cherie Sweeney

Cherie Sweeney
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Wednesday 23 January 2013

Continuous attacks to the Facebook Page: Cherie Nark NZ (Show NZ The Money!)

Mr Micheal Sweeney & Ms Cherie Kurarangi Kara Sweeney (Nark)
Currently as Today!

Yesterday, our Facebook page, Cherie Nark NZ (Show NZ The Money!) was removed for the 3rd time.    The public have been under continuous attack and abuse for speaking up, about the corruption, regarding NARK Org and Cherie Sweeney its founder. Again today, our 4th Facebook page was removed.  Its disgraceful, the lengths they will go to, to keep us quiet. NZ people will not be bullied, harassed or silenced by Cherie Sweeney and the Nark Crew. We have had many, malicious nasty attacks on both our Facebook pages, personal pages and places were we work.  This abuse has been   continuous, from Cherie Kurarangi Sweeney, Micheal Sweeney, Nark and Pete George from YOUR NZ.  The NZ public, refuses to be silenced about this and will continue to speak out against their fake Org, and founder, who uses the Child Abuse issue for profiteering and using Media Exposure for her own personal agendas.

 NZ have been waiting since the 8th of January 2012 for "answers and evidence" regarding the major financial inconsistencies with NARK.  Nothing has been forthcoming.   Another concern for the Public, is the secret lifestyle Ms Cherie Sweeney (real last name unknown) and her husband have been living.  Ms Cherie and Husband have been found misleading and deceiving the public, using "donations" provided by the public for the (The Child Abuse Issue) for financial gain and the unrepresented NARK Org for profiteering.

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