Who Is Cherie Kurarangi Kara Sweeney?

Cherie Sweeney

Cherie Sweeney
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Saturday, 26 January 2013

No, I don't think more people should be like Cherie Sweeney!

Why have we created this blog?.

To show NZ what is prevalent in some unregistered NZ Charities today. Although, Nark.Org.NZ is not anything and never has been under any representation whilst they still continue to advertise on line for donations. 

This is a story about a women, who began a career of scamming, manipulating and pleading with people for money. She has also, had a long history of running fundraising events and very experienced in the Media. She has worked often with Ms Roberta Karangaroa of the Riverslea Community Trust, Hastings.

 Although these two individuals have been skimming money from NZ people for many years, they have not actually broken any laws (as yet). 


Because there is no accountability legally for donations given in fundraising, events or other. These one off fundraisers really do make a lot of money, for the people who run them.

Cherie Kurarangi Sweeney as most of NZ knows her, is a wonderful women standing up, against abuse of children in NZ.  She had done many media interviews, photographs, promotional work etc.  Very pro-active in that sense.  

But, is she really there for the kids?  Lets begin with why we are here, NZ has been scammed in a big way from this women.  

Members in the NARK private group, where concerned on the night of the 8th Jan 2012.  Why? 

Missing money was revealed by the board and T shirts, also most of the board members had left that evening.  Team members were very distressed by this and asked questions.  There was no clarification, to what was going on by either, Roberta (Chairperson) of NARK or the founder Cherie.  Team members were starting to be removed due to simply asking questions of what was going on.  Roberta and Cherie did everything to avoid straight answers and began attacking members of being abusive and warned us of defamation if we alerted the media etc.  

Warning bells started ringing for most and then members where being swiftly removed from the group for no reason.  We received no answers, we waited, until we decided to start a Facebook page called: Cherie Nark NZ (Show NZ The Money!), we weren't going to be bullied for wanting answers.   We had been removed twice, we are now on our third page.  We have had our Facebook accounts attacked and also pictures of evidence removed from our page.  We still added them back.  

Ms Sweeney and company had been trying to cover up certain things, and NZ have the right to know why.  

Photo taken at Cherie and Micheal's house after the Toy Event.

There was no accountability from funds, during the Toy Event, donations were being used for Ms Sweeney's personal provisions. And toys that were picked up by Ms Sweeney and her husband, after the Toy Event were not delivered, to the Salvation Army in Hamilton.  We are still currently waiting on information regarding this and the "Mortgage Plea" from the Salvation Army.  She did take them home, in fact she even took pic's of them on her daughters bed.  Once questions of these missing toys were being asked, Ms Sweeney again swiftly removed any evidence on her page. 

I know you this is shocking, we certainly didn't expect to find the evidence of certain discrepancies with NARK.

But this has happened and the generous people, who donated from the kindness of their hearts to the cause, have been used by this fake Org and the founder Ms Cherie Sweeney.  Who is she? Please brace yourself...

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