NARK community support 9th Januray 2012
Post and threads transcript from the Private Group
We have all seen the state of the accounts as handed over 2 days ago by Ms Caro Cragg. I think, in fairness to her, and given the fact that her personal details were bandied about in here, the state of the accounts as they were when she took over in November should also be made public. After all, the majority of the monies were raised before she took over the position, and it would be enlightening to see how much money was raised, was deposited (and when it was deposited) and how it has been disbursed in recent months. Obviously, if the money raised was deposited in the bank account for NARK, a lot of money has been disbursed, as there was not much on deposit when Ms Cragg took over.
We have all seen the state of the accounts as handed over 2 days ago by Ms Caro Cragg. I think, in fairness to her, and given the fact that her personal details were bandied about in here, the state of the accounts as they were when she took over in November should also be made public. After all, the majority of the monies were raised before she took over the position, and it would be enlightening to see how much money was raised, was deposited (and when it was deposited) and how it has been disbursed in recent months. Obviously, if the money raised was deposited in the bank account for NARK, a lot of money has been disbursed, as there was not much on deposit when Ms Cragg took over.
LikeUnlike · · Unfollow post Follow post · 11 hours ago
Laurie Ludlow likes this.
Emma Hartley I notice in the North Waikato News that Cherie and her partner Mike
'invented' the "CONAN" the funds from the sale if these was to go to
NARK .. how many have sold and where is the money from the sales? Also ..
according to the media MUCH money was given in the early days by citizens in NZ
to the cause, where is that money deposited and what has it been spent on
11 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Karangaroa Money spoken about has not been made
as yet Emma this is indeed an invention from Mike and cherie as you have posted
BUT this is a donation to nark when its is finalised ... good on you for doing
research............. you will make a great marketer for the invention but lets
allow mike and cherie to finaise the bssineess okay . good points raised good
on you
Anne Squires-Dorsey Totally as a matter of information, can someone please explain what this "invention" of 2 road-cones fastened together is for? Just interested :-)
11 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa Invention around road safety Ann, nothing to do with NARK however the generous offer and as recorded in the waikato times Cherie and her partner wil donate to NARK, ....... this is a future plan
Anne Squires-Dorsey Thanks, Roberta - can't read the article and just wondered what it was for :-)
11 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa thats fine Ann .... its al about communication
11 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ I have noticed people confuse donation with an owed amount I with my family are working on a personal venture which we hope to be able to support Nark with why dont people just email me to ask
Cherie Nark NZ As stated in previous posts I have also prepared a financial summary but am waiting for more information to validate all amounts as should be expected I wait for documents to validate figures not hearsay
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Cherie Nark NZ Ann her personal details are not being bandieed as you suggest your accusations on my familoy however have been
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Cherie Nark NZ yet notone person has asked me ... weird
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa Presummption appears to be my favoirite word today!!!!
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Anne Squires-Dorsey Your family's personal details were "bandied" about by Roberta, Cherie - perhaps you should go and read, then talk to her? As I recall, you were asked a couple of questions to try and clarify things, and responded by swearing ...
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ i did not get asked
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ I was told by a random not known personally to me that my husband was a sesx offendor VERY UNTRUE
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa lol@ bandied love the new word wil remeber that one
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa tike to korero Cherie
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ lets repeat for those typos NOT A SEX OFFENDER
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Anne Squires-Dorsey It's always good to increase your vocabulary, Roberta ;-) Why don't you explain to Cherie how people got very confused by your "explications" of the circustances surrounding the resignations?
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa agree Ann english language is GREAT and maori is my other language
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ He was a youth offender if thats gonna scare anyone and it is because our family were so upset that this could be used against me they felt obliged to apologise to all of those who felt the need to judge
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa Ann I have no need to esxplan any thing to cherie and r partner you see I know them on a personal leval unlike many in here so again i have no intention of feeding your playground of stiirring tonight I am far to busy for that sorryLOL god try though
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa and for the record the background of cheries partner has nothing to so with you and or NARK as long as NARK is not place4d into disreput then there is no area of concerns thats said that goes for ANYONE involved with NARK,
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey No, Cherie, it isn't going to offend anyone. People make mistakes as young 'uns. Roberta's "explainations", however, were vouched in such confused and confusing a style that no-one could make head nor tail of them. So stop trying to blame people for trying to figure things out (Especially as the truth appears to be nothing much at all)
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ Roberta posted on behalf of our family and I have no issue with her post I feel that too many have an issue with her post and thats just an issue they have
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ I cannot be resonsible for how others perceive me even when they are wrong and have the wrong people in mind
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 2
Roberta Karangaroa But whaT I wil say is this while you continue to chase the witch hunt I can and wil stand uo and mihi to this man, he has been VERY supportive to cherie in this cause he has supported her financially in the background un noticed and consistant why you may ask????? not for personal gain but more so because he as cheries partner suppports the kaupapa ( Vision / Goals ) as we all do in here Ann
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa Agree cherie therefore stop justifying this.......... to EVERYONE!!!! subject closed !
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson Roberta, let us go back to the accounts. From comments made by you a little way back, one of your board members, Jimmy Boswell was to deposit $3000, which belongs to NARK, to the NARK account by 3pm last Friday. According to the bank account as posted on here and subsequently taken down, but I still have a copy, only $1000 of that was deposited and his name appeared as reference. WHERE is the other $2000.
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ Im sorry I just see people talking the wrong crap and I cant help it I feel personally aswerable and want to correct
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa paul where is that post please can you put it up for me with thanks,
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey Then please do so, and stop letting others speak for you, Cherie. You started this worthy cause, and I think people would like to see you yake control again.
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Roberta Karangaroa I dont recal posting anything about jimmy boswell in here paul however I wil stand corected if i have given lomg day and hour can you place it up please Paul Anderson
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson I have a copy of the bank account but I do not have a copy of your post. I am sure that if I go back through the older posts I could find your comment, that is if it has not been deleted like a lot of comments were. Now can you confirm what I am asking about the $2000 if not I shall consider going to the police and talk to them about misappropriation of monies.
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Cherie Nark NZ I have collated them
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ I am in the process of working the right data into their fields
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson collated what?
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ like income expenditure (sorry collated paperwork, a significant amount yhas peoples personal details and i wont do that again
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey oh for goodness sake! Find a pro bono accountant to show you how to keep simple accounts, why don't you.
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ I have all the Give a little site info and It all equals out but to make sure I have to make sure the work i have paperwork for each figure i resolve This is not an overnight process
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson I am not interested in personal details. So both you and Roberta stop ducking and diving and say where that money is. I am sure that everyone here would like to know. If Jimmy still has that money, why was it not deposited when asked for.
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ so unless i can tidy those names off their statements I cannot back what im saying so i would be talking crap ok
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa you have the right to go anywhere you like paul, However I am confident to say the police wil tell you there willb a process of responce so by all means do as you see ift ........ no hesistaion there however please be careful of slanderous remarks given this is a public area , and for the record jimy boswell has made a transfer from give a little to NARK as at last week however you appear to have more information than we have.... hum interesting yes if you feel mis appropriation has occurred without any firm facts then yes I agree go to police if this gives you an understanding of this process
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa well done for speaking up Paul about time someone in here did !!! instead of presumming
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson Roberta, you gave that particular person a long time to pay that money. Has that money been paid and if not why not
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ Fine to boast out why it was less of a hassle to work out money side now but without the payment advices and statements current Im not talking the right figures. I have to say kapai Paul Anderson
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey LOL! ROFLMAO! Roberta, you are a master of twisting things :-)
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa there seems to be an aweful of information in here that was PRIVY to HQ and that in itself is interesting indeed
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ if you have seen Roberta twist like
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Roberta Karangaroa clearly its your intepretation Ann................. and we each have the right to comprehend as we see fit !!
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey I guess the trouble is, when someone is putting a lot of stuff up on here in an attempt at obfuscation, they do forget what has been said ... :-)
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson What payments and advices, I don't believe that there are too many as Roberta stated that most cost have come out of your own pockets.
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa LMFAO I am VERY CLEAR in my thinkig Ann ...... we arnt getting personal now are we ... consdering we have NEVER mjet i find that quite hillirious actually
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa yes agree Paul and send to us your email and we wil ensure you are the first to cceiw accounts apart from in here of course .... no issues with accounts paul
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey No, Roberta - I am not getting personal However, I do see how you might take it that way :-)
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa hah pleas please Ann Lets agree that you willl NOT pressume to know how and what I comprehend please you are way out of line Ann
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson I will not put up my e.mail address here. Why will you not answer my simple questions? Why? Why? Why? Are you hiding something from us all as regards this money.
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Roberta Karangaroa Paul its more the reconciling then the spending this has NOT been done at ALL by anyone! so hopefully that wil give ou a better understanding of where we sit and time , cherie has done a mavellous job to date however we stil need to colate reconcile etc I am sure you know where I am coming from okay
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey I have merely attepted to get some of the clarification that you (anD Debz, if I remember right) promised us. I'm sorry if you find that uncomfortable
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Roberta Karangaroa OH please at 11,18pM you are NOT serious that I will answer your querries !!! ve me a break !!!! why are you sooooooooo sure that there is a hidden agenda here !!
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ and I think I am quite capable of accounts unless any of you wanna do my books? give me soooome credit
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa I wonder if you all are going to be so up standing to apologies to this team for the bagering and abolute harrassment of us here
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson Roberta, I am tired just like you and I am now fed up with the crap you keep feeding me. Where is that $2000?
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Roberta Karangaroa actully i tell you all now this is enough !!! I will have my lawyer act on behalf of NARK first thing tomorrow morning this is absolute rubbish given the hour of the night !!
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa you seenm to know the answerrs apul you tell me !!!!!!!!
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson OK you get your lawyer but also explain to your lawyer why that money has not been deposited in the NARK account.
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa I sugest strongly that you allow this team to sort the required documentation before maing your accusations to this team and cherie .. seriously take head everyone
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson Where is that money? Why are you not answering direct when it was you who made the comment a few days ago.
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa Paul i have been involved with NARK since Nov 2011, therefore I have taken on the role as a member of the interim working party / board therefore wil take all that this involves however I wil not toleraste your bulling and attackes on the interim team without factual information therefoee yes I wil be seeking leag advice on accusatuions made
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ we have 3 Nark accounts paul thanx to people setting accounts up
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa that is and is also a mess to srt paul
10 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson Okay, you have 3 NARK accounts, why were they not posted up the same time as Caro's statement to sow a truer state of NARK's accounts.
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Roberta Karangaroa
how about you think about coming on board with this team paul all the critisuim we have had to endue has certainly ben endless becuse people walked in mass of resignations however while I respect that I also have an expectation that members... wil give this team some respect of time given we all work ful ltime Paul, when information if finalised then yes ask and seek your answers this for me is best practice albiet if you dontSee more
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa from where i sit I dont think people were aware of that fact paul until investigation took place
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa how you all didnt ask any questions prior to this team leaves me wondering also so please dont shoot the people whom have given of there time to suport NARK
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey What kind of Mickey Mouse organisation is this/ You cannot handle donations without keeping proper records - and that includes knowing how many accounts you have :-(
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa How long you Been a member in here ??? with the skills i have seen you post why havent you put those skills out here for cherie to tap into .. quick to pass judgements people sad really
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey As far as most of us have seen, Roberta, this has been a "closed shop".
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa and in part I totally agree with you Ann, however when I and others before me came in to support I and I am sure others didnt realise how much of a shambles this actually was hence the length of time to set up structure
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Paul Anderson I am tired and I am going to go off now and get some sleep and also to consider what I need to do or think is best to do.
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa from my point of view anyway Paul i think the issue has been no process and or structure and certainly no governance & management structure
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa has it always been a closed shop Ann in your time as been a member of nark.............. opps or were you privy to more information than most, hum i wonder
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa good night paul and thank you for the communications
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa you dont sleep at night either ann?
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey Me too, Paul and Roberta. And my name has an "e" at the end -:-)
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa I have that problem when working
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey :-)
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa ohh does it missed that one!!! arohamai
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Cherie Nark NZ hum if you wanna be involved in process :-) Anne I skipped the e coz it tagged you
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey Isn't that a pain - sometimes I really dislike FB.
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa oh Anne have you placed your hand up to support the team?? that so generous of you and the time we wil save with an experienced person would cut down our personal time thats GREAT! thank you
Roberta Karangaroa oh Anne have you placed your hand up to support the team?? that so generous of you and the time we wil save with an experienced person would cut down our personal time thats GREAT! thank you
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Anne Squires-Dorsey No, I haven't, Roberta - and am exteremely unlikely to while this is such a shambles. In addition, i do a lot of travelling and often don't have access to the internet, so would be of no use to you. Sorry.
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa
arohamai i must have presummed that, apologies, can understand that traveling does take up time I have experienced that same problem when travelling in my work and sometimes its great NOT to have internet so yes acknowledge your reasons BU...T to clearly say NARK is a shambles is and wil be the opinion of alot however a good shake up is good in any area of vounterary capacity dont you think reflection is great and hindsight with wisdom is even better ........... my thoughts anyway Anne Squires-DorseySee more
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Squires-Dorsey I sincerely hope that NARK can survive this. It has so much potential for good. But at the moment ...
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa
tut Tut Anne we wont presumme now wil we, I acknowledge there has ben a mess and please appreciate that not ony Caro Cragg started in NOV so did I, however In my short participation I have experienced that not all was well as could be Anne,... however with all the skill in the world there was no governance strcture hence cherie approaching me to support what happened before this time of me supporting I cant answer that however I AM in support now so where do we start>.................See more
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa ops correction Caro was here as a member for some time prior to that date.
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa arohamai we discussed that today when i called her ....... oh and by the way in case you didnt know but I am sure you did Caro accepted the genuine apology from the interim team of NARk
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa which was great of her to do and I acknowledge this to her
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa she has a great spirit Caro
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Cherie Nark NZ thats cool of her
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Roberta Karangaroa yes cherie it was very generous of Caro
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1
Roberta Karangaroa anne I have just read back though the post and clearly can I just let you know I am not uncomfortable at all with your queries LOL in actual fact why oh why would anyone get uncomfortable behind a computer thats a childish statement dont you think ............ actualy dont you all think
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa if you knew me personally Anne you would know it takes an aweful lot to make me feel unconforatbale in actuall fact I have absolutely no hidden agenda i am an open book
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa I work with all different types of people and no none of them make me feel uncomfortable
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa I am well over that from my abuse. so please dont feel you do actually I thiank you for your stimulating post of discussion
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa good to have that mental stimulation after working with trauma and abuse all day Anne as I am sure you wil understand again my thanks for your participation of the late hour of the night
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa what do you do with your spare time Anne just as a matter of interest apart from net and sites to suport child abuse................... are you active with any local groups at all ? I understand you are a busy lady as well .. sometimes we forget to have that ME time do you agree..... inmy case my ME time is working however I am going to take a break over the weekend
9 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Laurie Ludlow I think its rather arrogant to assume or insinuate that Anne does nothing other than on the net. I also think that you are rather disrespectful to alot of members that have been here longer than you have Roberta, I happen to know that Anne (like myself and many others) were included here on day dot when this group was started, not just from November.
8 hours ago via Mobile · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa
asumume lol again theres that presumption how do you read that I have assummed Hm Laurie Ludlow, In actuall fact I was genually trying to make conversation with Anne, and whilst you mention my arrival in Nov I can assure you I have been par...t of this kaupapa with cherie for alot longer furthermore laurie, its not about time and been here longer merely around support of many ........ Anne I eleive is a very busy women as she has communicated with me of tonight so why oh why or more so did you presumme i thought otherwse laurie??? ....... gee now who is asuming here!!See more
8 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa
do think however think there is far to much of that going on in here and in actual fact can I suggest that everyone can be mindful of respect including myself when post are constantly placed up hunting for The firing squad with accusations ...and or as you have clearly defined arrogance and insinuations of many including myself / cherie Debz and Jimmy, like you we are here to support, and not to seek financial gain as cleary has been implied by many in this group...... sorry needed to correct postSee more
8 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Laurie Ludlow perhaps its how youre picked up then, as Ive seen you mention your arrival several times and there seems to be a whole lot of talking down by those whom have 'positions' to those of us whom support what this cause is meant to be about. That is an OBSERVATION not an assumption.
7 hours ago via Mobile · LikeUnlike
Roberta Karangaroa
point taken laurie I am a straight up no nonsence person no doubts about that and sometimes people dont know how to comprehend this, however with that, those that take the time find me to be a very supportive and I have walked the 1,000 ni...les many times for people however thats an area i gave up on many years ago and in actual fact I dont take ownership of how people comprehend me today this is who I am and this is my make up sadly this wont change and as I respect who you are, therefore I have that expectation laurie, I do hear your pointSee more
7 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 2
Pete George
I haven't seen what went on last night - I thought things had settled down to people being reasonable so I had an early night - but I heard it has resulted in a fair amount of distress. More distress piled on top of what's happened over the last few days. Sadly that seems to be the aim of some people posting here.
Nark is supposed to be working against abuse, and I'd hope that everyone in this community could conduct themselves in here non-abusively. Unfortunately some have either posted here without considering their approach reasonably, or have chosen to deliberately harm Nark and to harm those who are left trying to sort out the problems.
Please wait for factual details - these are taking time to produce as they have to come from a variety of people who have also got other things to ...
See more
Like · · Follow post · about an hour ago near Dunedin, Otago
Helena West and 2 others like this..
Rosemarie Maier Thank you Pete Cheers
about an hour ago · Like.
Jolene Morrell Well said
57 minutes ago via Mobile · Like.
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Lorna Waerea
Working with boards for the past 11 years, i am aware of the hard work that is done behinfd the scenes and from what i can see within the past 24 hours there has been progress that everyone has seen, by the looks of it there is still a long way to go but slowly wins the race. we all arent perfect and mistakes happen, what we need to do now is learn by the mistakes and move forward to providing a better organisation to help our children..because in the end the children are what is important.
Working with boards for the past 11 years, i am aware of the hard work that is done behinfd the scenes and from what i can see within the past 24 hours there has been progress that everyone has seen, by the looks of it there is still a long way to go but slowly wins the race. we all arent perfect and mistakes happen, what we need to do now is learn by the mistakes and move forward to providing a better organisation to help our children..because in the end the children are what is important.
LikeUnlike · · Follow post Unfollow post · 19 minutes ago
Phil Ryan Thats great Lorna but for so many to have decided to leave this group, the question that still hasnt been answered is why? what went on? why were the posts deleted? why were there personal attacks? and the questions go on they wont go away they need answered.
A few seconds ago · LikeUnlike
Phil Ryan Oh and a professional Audit by a registered accountant as well, clears up once and for all any idea of in appropriate handling of funds
A few seconds ago · LikeUnlike
Phil Ryan To have this done by any one other than an idependant proffessional would be wrong!!!!!
8 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Lorna Waerea going on experiences i have had, when someone resigns from a position or has a complaint then it is handle by mangement is that correct? and from then it is between management and the person who resigned or complained not anyone else? if im wrong then please correct me but im pretty damn sure that im correct.
9 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Lorna Waerea
the problem with internet is that there is soo many different stories and most of the time everyone has the stories wrong and not the straight im not saying things that have happened on here are all saying with soo many... peoples opinions it all gets muddled up and then it all be comes hear say. What im saying is let the interim board get on with thieir investigations and find out what has happened and how it can be rectified and if possible fixed or put procedures in place so it doesnt happen again.See more
the problem with internet is that there is soo many different stories and most of the time everyone has the stories wrong and not the straight im not saying things that have happened on here are all saying with soo many... peoples opinions it all gets muddled up and then it all be comes hear say. What im saying is let the interim board get on with thieir investigations and find out what has happened and how it can be rectified and if possible fixed or put procedures in place so it doesnt happen again.See more
5 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Lorna Waerea
Boards have the right to go into what you call "in commitee" for those that dont know what this is, its when only those that are on the board can be present and no one else..what is said in "in committee" is confidentual and not for everyon...e to know as its deals with personal issues or dealing with employees or employers. the point im making is ..resingations can be dealt with in "in commitee" and all the board has to say to the public or other eployers is that the resignation has been accepted and we wish so and so the best in the future. ITs not for every Jo blog to know.See more
Boards have the right to go into what you call "in commitee" for those that dont know what this is, its when only those that are on the board can be present and no one else..what is said in "in committee" is confidentual and not for everyon...e to know as its deals with personal issues or dealing with employees or employers. the point im making is ..resingations can be dealt with in "in commitee" and all the board has to say to the public or other eployers is that the resignation has been accepted and we wish so and so the best in the future. ITs not for every Jo blog to know.See more
about a minute ago · LikeUnlike
Angie Rogerson I think the number one thing people want to insure is transparency. It is one reason why so many departments etc have an independent or as close to independent, complaints process and investigation team. I am not saying the board will attempt to be anything but honest but self auditing of accounts, actions and behaviours can come with its ow.
4 minutes ago LikeUnlike
Lorna Waerea
Angie Rogerson...i totally agree with your post and maybe the problem also was inexperience within the structure itself at first. Everything happens for a reason and i believe all of this is a learning curve for everyone. IF this is going to be succesful then people with experience need to be put on the interim board and from the posts i have seen from Roberta Karangaroa, as interim chairperson..things are starting and will change for the better and nothing like this will happen again.
9 minutes ago LikeUnlike
Interesting reading. As soon as the repeated question of where the missing money is the strategy was immediate attack then resorting to sarcasm. To this date the money hasn't been accounted for or transparency provided. It is very easy to get an independent review done by an accountant and it wouldn't be hard to get this done pro bono. That this hasn't been done since this issues raised in January and to this date is totally unprofessional. This is a dodgy outfit and no surprise they are not a registered charity - even though they claim this on many documents.
ReplyDeleteThey are trying to push and get this Org registered, but the Nark Org and Cherie have been very misleading to the public on all areas of Transparency. They have also mislead other Org's who were meant to join them in a merger. Luckily one Org retracted their merger with Nark, after looking at our evidence on our Facebook Page. This is certainly one dodgy outfit here.
DeleteThere has never been a straight answer to any questions asked. When pressed for answers they attack and try to bully people into stop asking questions. Also looking at the answers given, the attacks threaten legal action but I cannot see why. Questions asked appear to be normal based on what has been said particularly over contradictory comments.
ReplyDeleteHave just been reading through some of the crap as been put up by Roberta and Cherie.
ReplyDeleteOne comment from Roberta Karangaroa in response to queries about Cherie's partner:
"and for the record, the background of cheries partner has nothing to so with you and or NARK as long as NARK is not place4d into disreput then there is no area of concerns thats said that goes for ANYONE involved with NARK"
I would have to totally disagree with this comment as Cherie's partner is involved especially when a cheque made out to Nark is deposited into a joint account belonging to Cherie and Mike Sweeney. Therefore his background is relevant as well as questions as to what has happened with the finances.
Again reading through, why did Roberta not answer Paul's question about the two thousand dollars? Why did Roberta start threatening legal action when only questions were being asked? When you look at then financial statement which starts at $3000 dollars and you read Cherie's comments that there is over $5000 untouched in the account, why is there a discrepancy of $2000? There is certainly no open honesty or transparency.
ReplyDeleteCertainly alot of indiscrepincies in regards to the financials of NARK.ORG also with Cherie who is renowned for having much book-work experience.