Who Is Cherie Kurarangi Kara Sweeney?

Cherie Sweeney

Cherie Sweeney
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Thursday, 24 January 2013

Cherie Tahuparae Sweeny (N.A.R.K) advocator

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  • Jan Curtis likes this.
  • Cherie Nark Lols No heres how it goes My mum married a couple times so my family are Smith-Robinsons and Tahuparaes (my brother and sisters) I was also whangai to another whanau so yes must be confusing with names but legally my name was atrociously... (shouldnt really say that its in my sister and brothers names too)... long C.E.M.K.S.Kara See patent (blame my parents lols), Then took Mikes name legally and shortened my name at the same time. Does that help? Whaea Tia knew my older brother so probly thought I had Tahuparae in my name? Anyway I helped and wrote her an affidavit and helped to get her a parenting order sorted from Family Court - and how did I do that ???? dunno but I taught myself using websites on family and Family Court  So yes very pro-active am I
  • Who is Cherie Sweeney from NARK.Org.nz? Hello Cherie Nark, long time no contact. So are you married to Mike, as you previously stated? Your quite Pro- Active indeed, which brings us to another issue....Its been almost a whole year and the NZ Public are still awaiting evidenced answers and proof from you and your "Unregistered Org, Charity, Trust or whatever you prefer to call it". When will we get clarification on that please? What has happened to your "Pro Bono" Lawyer Ms Sheryl? Is she still depressed and in capable of fulfilling her duties, on your behalf? When will we get word from her? Although I do have concerns regarding her professionalism, but I guess that's what you get when you don't have to pay for one perhaps.... Oh one more thing, and this is the most important question, What child or family have you directly helped through your fake Org?
  • Cherie Nark Ive done my part to contributing all nark documents to hold my head up high. But unless you yourself have done anything that has really helped another, and this aint it, then you really have no place to ask anything of me, you have been given answers that are real, and for you to put another down when they only wish to help and support shows the 20 of you are not really achieving what you hoped to do - and that was bring me down. Thanks to your put downs of a another, I wont reply to this page or it "members" anymore, its obviously hopeless, you will never be happy, I dont think that about all your members just the viscious ones lols PS and this is the most important statement I will not be breaching anyones privacy for you or anyone unless they say its ok. Bye
  • Who is Cherie Sweeney from NARK.Org.nz? We aren't the ones Ms Cherie Nark (whatever your first, middle, last name is), that have and are still using abused children for a profit/ income/wage/ media lime light/attention seeking and self serving purposes as yourself. 

    Thats all you Lady!! If 
    you can hold your head up high about that, well its best you get your head out of the clouds and step into the real world lady. Your a great manipulator, I give you that, for your great "victim" performance you use so often, its just as predicable as your many alias names lol. While your trying to grasp what spotlight you think you have left, you can be assured the NZ Public will oppose you and your "fake Org" future endeavours. 

    If your not concerned with the numbers on this page Ms Cherie (Whatever your last name is) why are you even bothered coming on here or looking at our page lol? Such a drama queen lady. 

    Well that's the respect we get from Ms Cherie, NZ Public!!. As long as you give her money, she's an angel but once you start to query her as to where the money is and has been going too? Then out come her threats, abuse oh and defamation suits lol. 

    Good Grief Cherie, you and your husband need to get a real job and stop bludging off the NZ Public for your "extravagant lifestyle'. By the way, have some respect and stop wearing your gang colours especially at events, totally disgraceful. 

    Please get some help lady, for your compulsive lying habit, we've had so many "Nek Minnet moments" regarding your answers with NO proof its getting quite ridiculous. Now this may be a shock to you Ms Cherie but the Child Abuse issue in NZ, is actually NOT ABOUT YOU. 

    The real victims are those children and you are (and have been) trying to cash in on, just like your community noticed from the beginning. Disgraceful!! Now, that you made it public for want of money and the NZ Public have given money freely and from their hearts around NZ, this makes it a National Issue regarding what you have been doing and trying to do. 

    Find another way to make your money, better still and YES!! (I shall repeat this again), this may be a REAL shock for you and your husband but get a JOB. It's sounds like a strange concept but YES!! it actually helps you pay your bills etc....

    Marvellous what a good hard day at Mahi does!! Now that's REAL Mana!! Kia Ora!! 

1 comment:

  1. Chur Cherie is a lovely honest helpful person?, why was this blog created??...who are you?? Why are you hiding behind Cherie??? Why do u run her down...i think your one fuked up stalker that gets off on ruining innocent peoples lives!!!...
